First-Year International Evaluation Requirement

The international evaluation allows us to verify your academic performance as that context is applied to U.S. standards. Our process includes recalculating each applicant’s GPA to an unweighted 4.0 scale and the course-by-course evaluation and GPA calculation ensures that we can thoroughly and accurately evaluate your secondary schoolwork. We hope this serves as a useful guide to help you complete all necessary steps for the evaluation.

Check your Applicant Portal to confirm whether or not you are required to submit an International Evaluation.

Submit your official documents to a credential evaluator

If you were admitted to the Univesrity of Miami as a first-year student and have attended a secondary school outside of the United States, regardless of your citizenship, you must have an international credential evaluation completed; this is not the same as a transcript.

The processing of International Credential Evaluations takes 2-4 weeks. Please allow sufficient time for processing as the evaluation must be received by the University of Miami by the date posted in your Applicant portal. 

International Credential Evaluations must contain the following:

  • course by course evaluation
  • a grade point average calculation

A high school official or testing center must submit your official documents (transcripts, mark sheets, certificates, examination results, etc.) directly to the evaluation provider.

The evaluations must be sent to the University of Miami directly from the services listed below. Provisional evaluations are not accepted. Please note that the University cannot accept evaluations directly from counselors.
