Transferable Credits

Transfer credit evaluations are conducted after the student has completed an application and been admitted. Note that only credits from a regionally accredited institution are transferable to the University of Miami.

You can view your transfer credit evaluations in your Applicant Portal or through CaneLink.

At UM, the transfer of credits is a two-part process: 

After the student has been admitted:

  • Transcripts are reviewed on a course-by-course basis.
  • The student will receive a detailed transfer credit evaluation with any possible UM course equivalencies.

After arriving on campus:

  • Students will meet with their academic advisors or departmental deans.
  • Advisors will determine how the transferable credits satisfy degree requirements and approve the course equivalencies.

Credits that will not be accepted:

  • Credits taken at an institution that is not regionally accredited*.
  • Courses with a Grade Lower than C
  • Physical Education, Professional, or Technical Courses
  • The following credits completed through a Two-Year College: Study Abroad, Independent Study or Internships

Credits earned through online coursework must have a grade of C or better and be taken through a regionally accredited institution. Courses that have grades of C- or lower will not transfer; however, these grades will still be used to compute an admission grade point average.
